Already finished my first February read: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. This book is action packed and mysterious and I would highly recommend it if you haven't read it already. I read it for the fourth time around and I still love it. Also I'm crying every time I read this series but I just can't stop rereading it. I'm excited to finish this series!
Current Reads
I'm currently reading three books:
I'm approximately one third in and I don't know what I should think about this book. Most of the time I'm totally confused but I'm really curious how this all turns out.Turtles All The Way Down
I'm halfway through with this book and I don't think it's gonna be my favorite John Green book but let's see. More about my thoughts in my February wrap up.Mockingjay
Also I'm currently rereading Mockingjay. I hope to finish this series soon (maybe even this weekend). I'm listening to the audio book for part of it and I'm not a huge audio book fan (I think it's harder to concentrate on) so I'm glad that I've already read this book a few times. This series will forever be one of my all time favourite!Duodecathon (February 15 - 21)
The Duodecathon is a monthly readathon where you choose one from 12 challenges each month. This month I chose the "An award winning book" challenge and plan to read The Fifth Season from N. K. Jemisin for it. This book won the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2016. I've heard a lot of good things about this book and am really excited to read it. For more info on the book and the synopsis go to the Goodreads page.Readathin (February 1-31)
The goal of this readathon is to read books you already own so you can thin out your tbr! There are 11 reading challenges for the February 2018 Read-a-thin but according to the guidelines you have to do 6 to "complete" this readathon. I'm planning to read a lot more than six books in February and I found 8 books that match the challenges. Here is a complete list of the challenges including my planned reads for each one:
1.) 2017/2018 Release - Everless by Sara Holland
2.) Buddy Read - Broken Beautiful Hearts by Kami Garcia (Group Book!)
3.) Least Favorite Emoji - I don't really have a least favorite emoji but I hate all the people emojis with yellow skin so I chose City of Bones by Cassandra Clare for this one cause Jace looks kinda yellow on the cover ;P
4.) Read a New To You Author - The Hundredth Queen by Emily R. King (I got the third one on netgalley and really wanna read this series now)
5.) Finish a Series - Hope to finish a few series this month but the first one I will hopefully finish is the Hunger Games trilogy with Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
6.) A Book with a Spring Themed Cover - The White Rose by Amy Ewing (I figured that roses are pretty springy)
7.) A Book with a Red, Pink, or White cover - Just Another Girl by Elizabeth Eulberg
8.) It's Black History Month, read a book by a Person of Color - The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin
9.) Read a book feat a Diverse Relationship (not m/f)
10.) Read a Smutty Book
11.) Read a book with NO Romance
5.) Finish a Series - Hope to finish a few series this month but the first one I will hopefully finish is the Hunger Games trilogy with Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
6.) A Book with a Spring Themed Cover - The White Rose by Amy Ewing (I figured that roses are pretty springy)
7.) A Book with a Red, Pink, or White cover - Just Another Girl by Elizabeth Eulberg
8.) It's Black History Month, read a book by a Person of Color - The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin
11.) Read a book with NO Romance
Alphabethon (February 12-18)
The goal of this readathon is to read the Alphabet and this is Round Five so the letter is E. So I mainly looked for books that fulfill this goal but I also tried to find books matching the additional reading challenges. Let's see which books I can finish! Here are the Reading challenges and my Alphabethon TBR:1) Read a book over 400 pages - The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
2) Read a book under 200 pages - Garnet's Story by Amy Ewing (Novella of The Lone City Series)
3) Since Alphabethon will take place the week of Valentine’s Day read a romance novel. - The Hundredth Queen by Emily R. King
4) Read a book with two E’s ( either author’s first and last name begin with E, title and author’s last or first name…you get it.) - Just Another Girl by Elizabeth Eulberg
5) Read a book with a MC whose name begins with E. - Everless by Sara Holland
6) Read a book with an E setting. (world, city, state, country,etc.) - I couldn't find a book for this challenge but I'm open for recommendation (comment below if you know any books with an E setting and an E title or author!)
7) Read 7 books - all in all I have 11 books on my TBR for this readathon so I hope to read at least 7 of them.
Rainbow Reading Challenge
This months color is orange. I have three books on my TBR for this challenge:
- Turtles all the way down by John Green
- Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
- Everless by Sara Holland
Monthly Key Word Challenge
I chose the word Heart cause I couldn't find any books I wanna read with the other key words and my book for this Challenge is Broken Beautiful Hearts by Kami Garcia!
Possible Reads
There are a few books outside from any readathons and reading challenges that I hope to read this month (if I finish all the other books) but will probably push to the next month. We will see :)
These are all the books I plan to read in February 2018. I hope I can finish at least 14 of them! Let me know if you have read any of them and what your thoughts were on the book. Also let me know if you are doing any of the readathons or reading challenges I mentioned and what you are planning to read for them. Comment below and link your February TBR if you did one :D
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